1. The Bible offers Good News and is the basis of how we work together.
2. Through prayer we seek God’s guidance and blessing in all we do.
3. We encourage all to seek out the will and heart of God through a diversity of expressions of faith.
4. We encourage all to share their faith as witnesses to God’s Word to help all people be built up in faith & faithfulness.
In seeking to live out God’s love, we will:
5. Glorify God by imitating and sharing the love shown to us by God through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as we actively seek partnerships, both within and outside the church, to engage in God’s redemptive work in this world.
6. Celebrate that all creation, including its people—our neighbors in our congregation, community, and the world—is made in the image of God and is worthy of our love, respect and care.
7. Humbly and joyfully recognize that the gifts we have been given are from God and are to be shared freely and with a glad heart.
8. Create safe, encouraging spaces and relationships that foster an active discovery of God. Behaviors that are abusive, derogatory, or harmful will be addressed lovingly and scripturally.
9. Celebrate the diversity of humanity while seeking a unity grounded in the love of God; treating all people with loving kindness regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender, socioeconomic situation, or faith.
10. Be a congregation that actively seeks the will and heart of God, embracing and welcoming the changes and opportunities with which God blesses us.