
Prayer Group

Prayer Group meets at 6:00 p.m. each Sunday evening in the church sanctuary.

The service begins with a short devotional followed by the sharing of prayer requests…joys and concerns.

Prayer requests can be:

  • Requested aloud or online during worship each Sunday.
  • Left in the Prayer Box.
  • Voiced to an elder or the pastor.
  • Shared with any member of the prayer group.

Requests are honored as:

  • Spoken within the prayer service only.
  • Shared with the pastor as well as the prayer group.
  • Shared in a weekly email sent to church members at their request.

Sunday evening prayer service is open to all.

We consider it a privilege and honor to pray for you and your loved ones.  So we take time in our Sunday morning service to hear joys and concerns, and we gather together again on Sunday evenings to further join together in prayer.  We also invite those outside our congregation to share their prayer requests with us using the form below.
However you choose to share your prayer request with us, you can be assured that we will maintain the confidentiality you desire while standing with you in your time of need.

“But truly God has listened; he has given heed to the words of my prayer.

Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me.”

Psalm 66:19-20

Prayer request form (All fields are optional)

Prayer Request Form
Prayer Request: