Vicki began as choir director in 1981, and has served as Minister of Music at FCC since that time. A degree in Music prepared her to answer a calling to serve the Lord through music and to help others to serve using their musical gifts and talents.
Vicki has a long history with choral music, beginning with Oak Ridge school programs in the early grades and extending well beyond college. She has performed with many choral groups over the years, including the Robert Shaw Chorale, and currently is an active member of the Knoxville Choral Society.
In addition to choral singing, Vicki has sung or played in and/or directed men’s and women’s Barbershop groups, theater groups, operas and professional bands. She has an extensive background in both amateur and professional musical theater, As Music Director or in lead roles in productions over 40 plus years.
Vicki has found First Christian Church to be warm, welcoming and nurturing. “It feels like ‘family’ with support and encouragement for everyone as we journey through life in times of stress and in times of peace.” The choir members, choir director and accompanist are a significant part of worship services and of the FCC church family, joining hands and hearts to bring praise to God.